
Coconut Fudge and Strawberry Slice

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Coconut Fudge and Strawberry Slice

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This takes 30-minutes to make, but it needs to stand for two hours. It serves 12.

    To make the base, you’ll need:

  • One and half cups of almonds
  • Eight large strawberries, cut into halves
  • Eight Medjool dates that have been pitted
  • A quarter cup of coconut, shredded
  • Use baking paper to line a tray and set that to the side. Put the coconut and almonds into a food processer until they are crumbly. Then, put in your dates one at a time into the food processer and let it operate until there are no big chunks left. Then take the mixture and pinch it between your fingers. If it stays in the same shape, then it is ready. If not, then you can add a tablespoon of cold water and keep adding until you get the right consistency. Take the mixture and press it onto the tray evenly. Caver the base with your strawberries and then put everything into the freezer while you make the fudge.
    For the next layer, you will need:

  • Half a cup of coconut butter
  • A tablespoon of raw honey
  • A tablespoon of coconut oil
  • A teaspoon of vanilla extract

Take a saucepan and a bowl that you can place overtop it. You can also use a double boiler. Take

the coconut butter and melt it on a low heat. Once it is melted, you can add in the coconut oil.

Turn off the heat once all that is melted, and then mix in vanilla and honey. Whisk all that together for a while, then taste test it. If it tastes adequately sweet, you can take out the base from the freezer and pour the fudge over top of it. Then let it set in the fridge for about two hours.

It can stay in your fridge for a few days before it goes bad.

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