
Easiyo 2xYogurt Jars + 2x Lunchtakers

$14.48 incl. GST

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For thousands of years people have been making their own yogurt – and it’s still the best way!? Freshly-made Easiyo yoghurt is abundantly rich in absorbable nutrients and live lactic cultures, and freshly-made yogurt is the best as these beneficial cultures have a limited lifetime. The simple 3 step Easiyo System is recognised around the world for its great taste, its wholesome ingredients and its ease and economy!

Weight0.05 kg



Read About Easiyo Yogurt Brand

Authentic yogurt like EasiYo Yogurt is not easy to come by. You can find this high-quality product here at Health Tree, but it is really the exception to the rule. Most modern yogurt is made with manmade chemicals along with natural components.

This yoghurt, however, is loaded with a variety of live cultures, such as lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus, streptococcus thermophilus and more. It has protein and calcium as well.

Packed with Live Cultures

There are a variety of health benefits to eating EasiYo yoghurt:
• Keeps your gut healthy, fighting diarrhoea, H. pylori, constipation, bowel inflammation, colon cancer and lactose intolerance
• Boosts your immune system
• Contributes to the healthy growth of microflora in the gut
• Reduces the amount of time it takes for food to reach your bowels
• Works with antibiotics to prevent diarrhoea
• Prevents osteoporosis, thanks to the copious amounts of calcium it contains (when Vitamin D and calcium work together, they produce very strong bones that are at low risk for osteoporosis)

The Immune Booster

We mentioned already that EasiYo benefits your immunity. It prevents and fights against infections of the vaginal area, such as yeast infections. The yoghurt causes your body’s pH level to drop and makes the vagina uninhabitable for yeast to grow. It also decreases your risk of hypertension, which is high blood pressure. Regular yoghurt consumption can reduce your risk by as much as 50%. It also helps with weight loss, since it makes you feel full for a while. Consuming yoghurt regularly means you are less likely to eat as much food and as much unhealthy food, keeping your calorie intake low.

Probiotic Goodness

EasiYo also contains probiotics, which are good for your entire body, but particularly your digestive health. This yoghurt can be used in all sorts of foods, and many people add it to their salads, cereal, sauces, or meals. It makes for a much healthier alternative to sour cream or mayonnaise. The live cultures give EasiYo some fantastic health benefits, and this product comes in a few different flavours. EasiYo sells yoghurt starter packs to help you make your own yoghurt, and they also sell fruit toppings and yoghurt bases. Find these and other great products at affordable prices right here at Health Tree.

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