
The Benefits of Raw Chocolate

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The Benefits of Raw Chocolate

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Eating healthy does not mean that chocolate must be exempt from your diet. If you still want to enjoy the occasional chocolatey treat, you simply need to replace processed chocolate with raw chocolate. The taste will be richer and the health benefits more plentiful.

Raw cacao has been praised for its incredible taste and numerous benefits by dieticians and food lovers alike. When they compare it to processed cacao powder, they have a lot of positive things to say about it. So, what is it about raw cacao that makes it so much better than commercial chocolate?

Taste– Raw chocolate is very concentrated, so the taste that is packed into one bite is incredible. You often don’t need to eat a lot of it to feel satisfied. If you compare that to the sugar rush you get from eating commercial milk chocolate and the addictive qualities of such a rush, you can see how raw chocolate would be better for your health. It may take some getting used to to really appreciate and even like the flavour of raw chocolate, especially if you love commercial chocolate already, but the benefits will ensure it is worth the commitment.

Nutrients– The cacao that comes from raw chocolate is filled to the brim with minerals, vitamins and even antioxidants. These help to fight the production of free radical’s in the body that would lead to disease later in life. Many times, raw chocolate cacao uses natural sweeteners, such as agave or sugar from coconut palms. These sweeteners are richer than their more refined counterparts, and you can see how beneficial healthier sugar would be when you live in society that consume so much unhealthy sugar. If more people did that, perhaps we would not have the epidemics of obesity and diabetes we currently suffer from.

Benefits for the Lactose Intolerant– Raw cacao is free from dairy products, and it gets its creaminess from cacao butter. That makes it ideal for people who have trouble digesting dairy products.

Ethically Sourced– Raw chocolate tends to be ethically produced more than commercial diary milk chocolate does. There is no controversial palm oil in the ingredients, which comes from countries like Indonesia where large sections of trees are destroyed to create this product. If you choose raw cacao, you can protect trees around the world and enjoy the many other benefits it must offer.

Going with raw, healthy chocolate instead of dairy milk chocolate is the right choice. Your tastebuds and your body will thank you, and you’ll be doing your part to protect the environment. Raw chocolate is ideal for people who are conscious about their health. It has tons of nutrition and lots of antioxidants.

You should definitely think about making it a part of your diet.

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