
A Few Great Ways to Treat Sunburn

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A Few Great Ways to Treat Sunburn

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When warmer weather starts to appear, you may want to bask in the comfortably warm glow of the sun, but if you stay out in the sun for too long, you will develop a very uncomfortable sunburn. There needs to be relief for it before it gets too bad or you will suffer for the next few days. Thankfully, there are a few simple remedies that work wonders to soothe your burnt skin.

Make a Cold Compress

You could give yourself some fast relief with a cold compress. Use cold water and soak a towel in it, then wring out the water. You can place this towel on the affected area and allow it to rest there for 15-20 minutes.

Doing this takes some of the sting out and fights the swelling that could often ensue. Be sure to use water that is cold but not too cold. Icy water can actually irritate your burn and make it worse.

For greater benefit, try using cold green tea to soak your towel in. This tea is filled with ingredients that fight inflammation and reduce swelling considerably.

Use a Potato

The potatoes in your pantry could also come in useful for treating sunburn. They can contain compounds that treat swelling and offer fast, natural relief. You can place potato slices that are not cooked on the affected areas. You could also create a liquid from blended potatoes and spread it on the sunburn for similar relief.

Treat Your Skin

There are a number of after-sun treatments you can use to treat your burn. These can help your skin to experience soothing relief and start your skin toward feeling renewed and rejuvenated.

Check out the full selection of after-sun treatments we have available in our online store.

Try Some Baking Soda

Baking soda is very useful and can come in handy when you don’t have potatoes around. The silky texture of the baking soda is going to feel great on your skin when you mix it with cool water. It offers properties that reduce redness and make your skin feel so much better in a short period of time.

You just need to mix a couple tablespoons of baking soda with cool water until you have a paste. This can be smeared onto the affected area and then allowed to stay there for about 15 minutes. Be sure to cover the entire burn with the paste for full relief and faster healing.

These are just a few great and effective ways to soothe a sunburn. You always want to practice safe fun in the sun and wear proper protection in the form of an adequate SPF lotion. If you are burnt already, though then these methods can help you out.

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