
The Bush Tucker Superfood

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The Bush Tucker Superfood

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Superfoods just seem to keep appearing all the time, and they come from the unlikeliest of sources. For instance, would you have suspected that the bush tucker from right here on Australia would ever be considered a superfood. The incredible health benefits it contains are just dying to be enjoyed by those who are looking for healthy foods to incorporate into their diets.

Ancient Australians were able to build societies in harsh conditions thanks to the benefits of the bush tucker. The original people of Australia were known for their athleticism and hardiness by visiting Europeans. Their diet was a lot more diverse and healthy than what the European prisoners were used to who were brought to the continent many years ago.

The bush tucker is an important part of a healthy diet, especially when combined with the kind of exercise a hunter gatherer society would have been used to. It is believed that this food was integral to their overall nutrition. There are some examples of bush tucker that we want to look at that would likely fit the classification of superfood. Let’s look at a few of them.

Davidson Plum – This powerful antioxidant is vital for keeping the body pure and free from disease, and its bitter taste and incredible colour make it really stand out.

Riberry – The indigenous people used the Ribery in their diet for many generations, and this sweet food is integral to maintaining the immune system.

Kakadu Plum – This plum is a key bush tucker and serves as a medicinal plant as well as a vital part of dietary nutrition.

Lemon Myrtle – The tree not only looks distinctive and beautiful, but the leaves of the tree have been a source of medicinal power for many years. They serve as a way to keep insects away and to treat infections.

Quandong – This fruit served as more than just a central part of the indigenous people’s diet, but it also has incredible antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Wattleseed – The Wattle tree offers carbohydrates and protein, and it is especially hardy in times where there is little water. Many people grind them up into a flour and make cake from the seeds.

Finger Lime – This food doubles as a medicine, and it can be used for antiseptic purposes or as a way to prevent illness.

A number of Australian chefs have worked hard to bring the bush tucker back into popularity and help people incorporate it into their diets. The bush tucker is starting to be recognised as not just a tasty food source but also a powerful medicine and potent superfood.

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